07 February 2012

dissertation beginnings

Even though I'm not quite ABD, I'm beginning the dissertation writing process this semester by taking a Dissertation Writing Workshop class. In addition, my current fellowship proposal (due in less than 2 weeks, eek!) marks the beginning of a sort of informal prospectus.

Things gathered from tonight's class:
- The process is like an oxygen mask - you have to put your own mask on; no one is going to do it for you.
- "No" is your friend
- Index cards. In the same way that I write out daily to-do lists on index cards, it will be helpful for me to take notes on index cards, one for each book/article. And maybe file them in a box? A sort of addenda to my ongoing bibliography
- It will be beneficial for me to learn to work in small blocks of time. One, because in all likelihood I won't have the advantage of being able to treat the diss. like a 9-5 job. Two, because my ADD-mind works better in small blocks of time anyway. Really, things that occur in small blocks of time is the way for me to get things done.
- Always remember: - BETTER DONE THAN GOOD

I have a daily goal to write every day. Something more than just emails. After a 10-hour day like today, a blog post might just have to suffice. But it's a start.

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