06 September 2012

The Home of the Gods

Mount Olympos

5 years ago, I was at the base of this mountain as an ASCSA Summer Session participant. I knew at the time that that summer would change me, but the process of it filtering into my brain took months (and perhaps even years when I think about it).

Two years ago this Saturday, I boarded a plane in Philadelphia that was the first step towards an entire year in Greece. This time, too, I had little idea of how much that year would change me. I saw myself grow a great deal professionally, I lost one of my closest friendships, and I came back with a stronger sense of who I was and who I wanted to be.

This Saturday, I'll make the great ascent up this mountain. Gods willing, I won't fall off a cliff. And again, I'll prove to myself this: I know who I am, and I know I can get through anything.

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