22 August 2012


When I first arrived in Thessaloniki, I saw signs similar to this one hanging in many of the shops. It announces that certain shops and restaurants are closed until a certain date, usually 20/8 - 22/8, thanks to "ΚΑΛΟ ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙ" - a good summer vacation! No doubt this is also inspired by the recent holiday, the Κοίμησις Θεοτόκου (Dormition of the Virgin), which was celebrated on 15 August. Many Greeks have taken the week (or two) off from work to travel to their homes or perhaps even the beaches in the Chalkidiki (which is what I myself did last Saturday), a welcome respite from the hecticness of city life.

The quiet during my first week here was quite appreciated, especially since I was so jet lagged, but I'm enjoying seeing the shops and restaurants re-opening for business, and the city coming to life once more. It's a little tough to handle late at night and early in the morning, since I live on the Aghias Sofias square, but I'm adjusting.

ΚΑΛΟ ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙ, everyone! Enjoy it while it lasts. You know that come winter, we'll be craving those 40° C + days. Or maybe not.

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