15 August 2010

The Final Countdown

Part of the process of going to live in Greece include obtaining a visa from the Greek government. This long, convoluted process began back in April, when I went through multiple hoops to obtain fingerprints that were sent to the FBI for criminal clearance. 16 weeks later, I finally have the proof that I need to show that I don't have a criminal record (surprise!). In addition, I've assembled a noteworthy collection of papers proving my income, health insurance, freedom from communicable diseases, etc.

I'm down here in Tampa now, which is where the closest Greek consulate to Tallahassee is located. In the morning, I have an appointment at the embassy - fingers crossed that all goes well! We're down to less than three and half weeks before my grand departure.

Tampa Bay Sunset
The view here is from my hotel balcony, where I am currently watching the beautiful sunset. $20 more got me a view of Tampa Bay as well as a king-size bed - quite possibly the nicest bed I'll sleep in for the whole next year!

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