12 September 2010

In Athens

It's been awhile, but I finally made it to Athens in one piece - and my luggage did, too. The first day was spent in our hostel, where I slept with my head on a table, as our dorm room wasn't ready until 2 p.m.

The following morning, Reema and I ventured out to the Acropolis. What a magnificent morning, and what a perfect opportunity to test out my new camera! And as usual, I had my picture taken in front of the east side of the Parthenon, this time directly in front of the remains of the Temple of Rome and Augustus:

Also of note here on the Acropolis: the reconstruction work on the Temple of Athena Nike appears to finally be complete. It was wonderful to see this small but still imposing temple perched on the edge of the Acropolis' western edge:

All in all, an excellent way to begin our time in Athens. Later in the day, I got settled into the American School, but that's for another post.

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