14 September 2010

Lykavittos Walk

Part of the tradition of the American School is to take a walk up Lykavittos, the hill that looms above the School, at the start of the program. I did it for the Summer Session back in 2007, and again last night as a newly inaugurated Regular Member. It was a fairly hazy evening, though cool, and I brought along my nifty 55-200 lens to give it a test run. Here's a picture of the Acropolis, run through the wonders of PSE:

Mount Lykavittos sits far outside the ancient city limits, but you'd hardly notice today as Athens radiates out from it, its white-washed buildings spilling up into the surrounding hillsides. The name Lykavittos may perhaps be etymologically linked to that of a place of wolves - λύκοι - though this is not certain. And, it's a great climb to look at the topography of both the ancient and modern city, as well as watch a lovely sunset, even if on a cloudy day.

I am, of course, wearing the t-shirt of my friend Lael's funny and cute comic, The Book of Lael. Check it out!

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